More than 30 years of combined experience and expertise

The nozzles can either be purchased as standard products or developed in order to accommodate your specific needs.

Our nozzles are efficient, environmentally friendly and have a long life which ensures our customers a good total economic solution and savings due to less downtime and less water wastage.

As something very special we offer nozzles:

  • With variable water capacity. It gives you the option to optimise your water consumption and minimise water waste

  •  That are retractable after use. It allows you to save time and money on calculations.

RF45 (Rotating Flathead Ø45)

This cost efficient and environment friendly nozzle comes with the RMSpray flow restrictor, which can easily be adjusted to minimise water waste. The flat head of the nozzle makes it possible to almost reach the same levels as the sides of the tank. Furthermore, the nozzle is retractable and can be placed in a house outside the tank. This feature enables you to save time and money in regards to calculations of the tanks spinning time.


REMSpray is ISO 9001 certified and part of the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration's smiley scheme.

FR45 (Fixed Round head Ø45)

This cost efficient and environmentally friendly nozzle does not have any moving parts and hence a smaller washing effect.

It comes with the RMSpray flow restrictor, which can easily be adjusted to conserve water and minimise water waste.


RR34 (Rotating Round head


A cost efficient and environmentally friendly nozzle with great washing effect. This nozzle is in particular suitable for use in smaller tanks (diameters).

It comes with the RMSpray flow restrictor which can easily be adjusted to minimise water waste.

RR45 (Rotating Round head Ø45)

This cost efficient and environmentally friendly nozzle comes in a size which makes it suitable for bigger tanks (diameters).

It has a good washing effect and it comes with the RMSpray flow restrictor, which can easily be adjusted to conserve water and minimise water waste.